Cabbage Chunkin’, Skyrim style!

One of the best parts of TES V: Skyrim is how “open” the world is. There are the usual quests and adventures that you would expect, but there are many other ways to simply wander around and explore the world that Bethesda has created. In-game physics continues to improve, as well, allowing all kinds of interesting experiments and in-world “hobbies” for your characters to pursue.

As it is autumn in the northern hemisphere, I decided to see if a Skyrim version of the annual “Punkin’ Chunkin‘” contest would be feasible. I was disappointed to find that apparently pumpkins aren’t present in Skyrim, even though they were in TES IV: Oblivion. (Anyone else remember making “pumpermelon” health potions?)

However, cabbages do exist in Skyrim, and such common foods are quite plentiful (especially if you channel your inner Sheogorath and make it rain cabbages. Or cheese.) Since cabbages, like nearly everything else in the game, are physics-enabled, they react to environmental forces, including gravity, momentum, collisions — and the occasional otherworldly FUS RO DAH.

So without further ado, here is my Altmer mage diligently laying the foundation for Skyrim’s own Punkin’ Cabbage Chunkin’ contest…

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